Python Coding Classes for Kids: This Is How to Start

Python coding classes for kids

Python is one of the most popular programming languages today. Due to its simplicity, even kids can master it. Still, it might be a bit overwhelming for the very beginners. How to start? Should your child attend Python coding classes for kids? How can they benefit from Python courses? Today, with so many coding languages, why should they even learn Python?

Well, all these questions are pretty common for children and their parents. Still, you should not worry too much. The good news is that we have all the answers in this blog. What’s more, we prepared a complete guide on how to start learning Python. 

What Should You Know About Python Programming Language?

First things first. As usual, let’s start with the basics. 

What Is Python?

Python is one of the most popular programming languages. It was invented in the late 1980s and is still widely used today. It was started as a hobby of a developer from the Netherlands who was bored during the Christmas break. Guido van Rossum designed it as a simple, user-friendly, and fun coding language. He named it after the popular comedy BBC series “Monty Python’s Flying Circus.” So, many people associate this coding language with reptiles. 

Cover of the ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ TV series

Source: Netflix

How Does It Work?

The program takes the instructions you write in the Python language and translates them into the syntax the computer can understand. Thus, when you develop a program with Python, you essentially give your device the set of steps it must follow. Here are the main stages of the process:

  1. You write the code;
  2. You run the program;
  3. The computer interprets it;
  4. The computer executes instructions and provides output.
A laptop with a code on the screen

What Is It Used For?

Python is a cross-platform language. What does that mean? Actually, it can run perfectly on many operating systems. For this reason, it is widely used in many areas and for different projects. Robots, artificial intelligence tools, chatbots, websites, games, and apps are running with Python. Why? Because it has high readability and code simplicity. 

Python Frameworks

In this context, frameworks mean a set of tools developers use to build software more effectively. Coding languages have different frameworks, and Python is not an exception. Let’s mention only some of the most popular:

  • Django
  • Flask
  • Pyramid
  • CherryPy
  • Bottle

Of course, this is not the complete list, and Python has even more. What are they for? In a few words, they facilitate, accelerate, and simplify the development process. A kid can study with a tutor and not get lost in all these frameworks.

Why Should Kids Study Python Programming?

Python programming for children

Well, Python is not a single coding language. Why should your kid learn it? Because it does have significant opportunities and benefits. Let’s check them. 

Python Pros and Cons

First, let’s investigate some drawbacks of Python learning you should be ready for:

  • Python runs more slowly.
  • Python uses a large amount of memory.
  • Python is weaker for programming mobile devices.

Here are the strongest sides:

  • Python is a versatile language that can be used for different types of programming.
  • Python is easy to learn and use. 
  • Python syntax has high readability and code maintenance.
  • Python allows large library collections.
  • Python has a big community of developers.

Let’s figure out the benefits for your kid:

  • Developing problem-solving skills.
  • Boosting critical thinking.
  • Solving real-world problems.
  • Enhancing teamwork and communication.
  • Upgrading math skills.
  • Empowering kids’ memory and logical thinking. 

What Jobs Require the Knowledge of Python?

Why Python is good for kids

In case you are interested in the material benefit of Python learning, here it is. The knowledge of the Python programming language increases the chances of career success. Let’s check what jobs require Python programming today and what the average salaries for these jobs in the United States are:

  • Data Analyst – $77,277 (annually)
  • Software Engineer – $105,624 
  • Data Scientist – $124,300
  • DevOps Engineer – $124,614
  • Python Developer – $124,890
  • Data Engineer – $127,428
  • Machine Learning Engineer – $165,753

Moreover, the demand for such highly qualified specialists will only increase every year. Thus, it’s a good time to think about your kid’s future now.  

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When Can Kids Learn Python Coding?

Okay, let’s check the best age for kids to start learning Python and find out if this coding language is easy enough for kids.

What Is the Best Age to Start Python?

A kid is learning to code

There is no strict rule that declares the appropriate age to start programming with Python. Still, your kid should be able to read, use a computer, and know simple math rules. Thus, the most common early age at which to discover Python is 10-12 years. 

However, your child can acquire some basic knowledge about coding even at the kindergarten age. Of course, they could not program websites or apps at that time. However, they can investigate educational games related to coding. Thus, it will be easier for them to start programming with Python or any other language later. 

Is Python Easy to Learn?

Definitely yes! As mentioned above, Python syntax is pretty easy to learn. It also needs minimal setup and has large communities of developers. Still, it requires basic coding knowledge and regular practice. The best ways to start this coding journey are finding a tutor who can teach Python via private lessons or attending Python coding classes for kids. 

 9 Steps on How to Start Python Coding Classes for Kids

Online python coding classes

Well, now that you know something about Python and decide to proceed with its learning, it’s a good time to discover how to start. The best option is to choose Python coding classes for several reasons. They offer a personalized curriculum and individual approach for your kid. The learning process is easy, fun, and comfortable. Here are 9 steps that will help your child start coding classes effectively.  

Step 1. Research Classes

The first thing you should do is search for Python classes for kids. Remember to consider your child’s preferences. Do they want to study online or offline? How often are they ready to attend coding lessons? What projects would they like to work on (game, AI, web development, etc.)?  After learning all this you can choose the right Python courses for your kid.  

Overall, you need to choose between offline and online Python coding classes. Each has its advantages. Still, we would recommend you choose online classes. Why? Because they could be more flexible and comfortable. 

Step 2. Choose a Learning Platform

How to find the best online Python classes? Investigate the internet and choose several options that offer online classes. Remember to check reviews and opinions about particular learning platforms and try to find as much as possible info about it (tutors, curriculum, topics and projects, time, price, etc.).

When you are done with research, contact the chosen school. Address all questions you are interested in. If possible, ask for a demo or a trial lesson for your kid. This is a good option because you can see how such lessons work in practice before making a final decision. Remember to ask your kid’s opinion and impressions. Put their comfort first. If everything is okay, you can proceed with learning; if not, find another option.  

Step 3. Begin With the Basics

When you choose an online course, your kid will start learning the basic concepts. Perhaps for the first time, they will not get the perfect results they expect and may even be disappointed in the activity and lose interest. Support them through this process and motivate them to continue. Explain that everything begins with something small and might turn into a great project and experience. 

Basic concepts might include initial terms. For example, what is Python? How does it work in practice? Why do people still use it? What tools might you need to study Python? What coding projects might kids participate in? 

Provide a kid with many necessary studying materials (books, learning platform subscriptions, etc). Be always interested in their progress and support their learning intentions. After some time, when children get all the basics and terms, they can proceed with more exciting things and projects. 

Step 4. Practice Regularly

Remember that theory is useless without practice. Some prefer offline courses because they think that online learning does not contain much practical experience. Thus, when you are looking for online Python courses, remember to check how much practice they offer. The rule is simple there: the more, the better. 

Hopefully, today, there are many sources kids might use to study coding and use them for extra practice, such as YouTube, educational blogs with detailed guides and examples, and free online coding tools. Anyway, hands-on projects are always better than pure theory.

Step 5. Join the Community

Python has a large developer community. Why is this good? That means you have a lot of fellow thinkers. If your kid or you face coding issues, you might ask them for help. Most likely, someone already has the same problem. Thus, you may get quick guidance, advice, or solutions. Usually, in such communities, developers share not only useful experiences but also helpful features and coding functions updates. 

Joining such groups could boost your kid’s communicative skills. They will know how to express their opinions and present ideas. Such skills always benefit a career, even if it’s not in a computer programming field.   

Step 6. Work on Diverse Projects

After children learn basic concepts, they should move further with more complicated tasks. That means they should not concentrate only on one area but try others. For instance, children might participate in many exciting Python-related projects: game development, applications, websites, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The more skills they get, the better. With new projects, they will gain new technical skills and priceless experience. 

Step 7. Seek Help When Needed

Overall, the Python programming language and software development process can be tough for absolute beginners. Yes, we mentioned the Python code’s simplicity. Still, it’s normal to ask for help from experienced developers. They are tutors, classmates, and programmers from the communities. Of course, it’s better to try to solve the issues by yourself. But, if you are stuck with Python projects, ask for advice.   

Step 8. Celebrate Achievements

Always remember to celebrate your kid’s achievements. Even if it’s a small beginner project, notice the results. Let kids present their projects, show your interest, and give feedback. Be positive and always proud of their success. And even if something went wrong, it’s not a reason to be desperate. Support your kid’s ideas and motivate them to try again.  

Step 9. Keep Learning

People tend to study their whole lives. Thus, it’s normal to learn new coding approaches and work on new Python projects. Technologies change very fast so that people can solve real-world problems. So, stay in touch with modern tech trends and keep learning and improving your skills. Python is not so hard to learn for kids. They might get the basics pretty quickly and keep moving on to new concepts and projects. Who knows, maybe one day they decide to connect their lives with coding and work on promising and extra useful coding activities.  


Well, if you are reading this paragraph, you already know how your kid can master programming with Python coding classes. This is a very good beginning. Coding skills can open a lot of opportunities for your child. Thus, when you are looking for options, remember to consider a child’s opinion. Only with a great tutor, a comfortable environment, and fun approaches can your kid master Python very quickly. 

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