Block Coding for Kids: What Is It and Why Is It Effective?

Block coding for kids

Just a decade ago, no one would argue that the language kids should learn should be a popular foreign language. But these days, we live in a different world, which is mostly digital! From a very early age, kids interact with phones and numerous other digital devices. So, it’s no wonder that knowing programming languages has become as crucial as speaking different languages. 

But how could kids start learning all those endless lines of code and complicated coding concepts? The answer is easy – block coding for kids. Mastering block-based coding is like playing with virtual building blocks on a computer. It’s a fun way to learn the programming basics. Keep reading to understand why this approach is so efficient. 

What Is Block Coding?

If you want an easy definition of block coding, the best one would be the following: it’s a visual programming language that helps kids learn coding fundamentals. Instead of typing complex codes, learners can move visual blocks to create games, using their critical thinking skills.

Block coding is a valid form of coding, although it’s different from the traditional text-based style. It’s a fantastic way to introduce your child to coding because it removes a lot of the challenges that come with traditional coding, like dealing with complex language rules and fixing mistakes.

Instead, block coding gives your kid a basic understanding of how coding works, eliminating all the complicated stuff. It sets a strong foundation before a learner dives into learning more formal coding languages. Don’t worry; block coding isn’t just about dragging and dropping blocks randomly. It still teaches important coding concepts like sequencing and logic, encouraging kids to think rationally. 

Getting Started With Block-Based Coding

It is also okay to choose the path of independent learning or attend summer camps. However,

there are fantastic block coding websites, and many of them are free and suitable for beginners. Here are a few popular options to check out: 

#1 Scratch

Developed by MIT, Scratch is a free and user-friendly platform with one of the biggest online communities. Kids can create animations, games, and even interactive stories with Scratch. Moreover, even adults often start with Scratch, as it’s the simplest way of learning how coding works. 

A screenshot of the Scratch interface

Source: Scratch


This non-profit organization offers a variety of free coding tutorials and activities that use block coding to teach the basics of programming. The courses are designed for different age groups. You can learn JavaScript and other programming languages here. The website is designed for K-12 users, so students of all ages can step into the program easily.  

A screenshot of the stats, showing usage trends


#3 Blockly 

It’s free, open-source software, like Scratch. You build programs by snapping colorful blocks together. Each block represents a different part of the code and means a choice or repeated action. Another great thing about Blockly is that it works everywhere. 

Whether you’re using a computer or a phone, it’s there for you. It doesn’t matter if you’re using Chrome, Firefox, or Safari; Blockly works on all the major web browsers. It’s all about making coding easy and accessible for everyone!

A screenshot of the Blocky interface

 Source: Blockly

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Go One Step Further: Get a Tailored Approach & Accountability

If you feel like all the online programs don’t give you the level of personalization and accountability you wanted, you could try tutoring. This way, the classes are individually scheduled. 

And, for example, at Juni Learning, we use the details you provide, like preferences, personality, and learning style of a kid, to match your child with the most suitable instructor for them. You have access to the progress reports and tutor feedback in the Juni portal. The platform handles all logistics so your child can focus on enjoying learning no matter what course they choose: 

Why Is Block Coding Suitable for Kids? 

Besides getting good at actual coding skills, a child learns the basics of computer science. How else do they benefit when engaging in block code courses? 

  • Fun and engaging learning. Learning shouldn’t feel like a chore, especially if we are talking about kids. Block coding’s interactive nature makes it fun and engaging, keeping kids motivated and excited to learn more.
  • Problem-solving skills development. Block coding helps kids break down complex tasks into smaller parts, teaching them valuable problem-solving skills that can be applied in all areas of life. It also familiarizes them with the computational thinking needed in programming. 
  • Creativity boost. Block coding allows kids to express their creativity. They can experiment with different blocks and sequences to create unique animations, games, and stories. Younger kids can easily create their own games. 
  • Logic and sequencing training. Coding requires thinking logically and understanding how things work together. Block coding helps kids develop these skills by teaching them the importance of order and sequence in creating a program.
  • Quick outcomes. Block coding offers quick results for kids, which is super motivating. Instead of spending hours typing out lines of code perfectly, kids can use just a few blocks to make cool animations or games right away. This saves time and eliminates frustration. When kids see the results quickly, they remain interested and excited about learning more.
  • Confidence building. Seeing their creations come to life is a huge confidence booster for kids! Block coding gives them a sense of accomplishment and encourages them to continue learning and exploring the world of coding. 

What Is Syntax-Free Coding?

In block coding, you don’t need to worry about using punctuation marks like periods or commas. This makes it easier for beginners to learn and reduces the number of mistakes. So, what do kids get instead of syntax coding for text-based languages?  

  • Not text-based programming. With block coding, you drag and drop blocks to create code instead of typing out lines of text. Thus, you can focus on solving problems rather than getting the syntax exactly right. It also helps to cut down on mistakes, saving time. Plus, you can convert these blocks into more advanced languages like JavaScript when needed.
  • Visual coding. Many people understand things better when they visualize them, not just read or hear. Visual programming uses pictures and diagrams to represent code. Therefore, coding is more accessible to different types of learners. Visual programming breaks down coding into three levels: fixing mistakes in the code (syntax), explaining what the code does (semantics), and testing how the code works (simulation). 

Exploring Types of Blocks

What are we referring to when we say “blocks”? We can answer this question by taking an example from MIT’s “Scratch.” Here’s a simpler breakdown of the different types of blocks used in block coding:

  1. Motion blocks. Young learners use them to control how things move in the program. For example, they can make a character move forward or turn in a certain direction.
  2. Sound blocks. They add sounds to the program, like music or effects. They can also change the pitch or volume of sounds.
  3. Visual effect code blocks. These blocks help change how things look in the program. For example, they can change the size or color of a character or add speech bubbles with text.
  4. Event blocks. A child learns how to trigger actions in the program when something specific happens. For instance, they can make something start moving when a key is pressed or when the mouse is clicked.


To make coding fun, you have to start with something that does not frighten a kid. Block based programming is the best way to get a child interested in fundamental concepts that work behind software programming and develop problem-solving skills that will help them in the future. 

The good thing about learning programming with code blocks is that syntax errors that come with traditional text-based coding will not frustrate little kids. Have fun exploring block coding! 

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